Saturday, January 17, 2015

A Welcome Back!!!!!

Its been quite awhile since Ive used this blog and clearly anyone who has viewed in the past have noticed my old posts from 2011 have been removed and I'm looking forward to starting fresh for 2015.

On that note; new updates from 2011 til now:

-Found my other half
-Moved out of my parents house to an apartment in 2012ish
-Got a pretty kitty named Willow
-Found out we were expecting in 2013
-Bought a condo
-Had our beautiful little girl; Aubree Isabella in March 2014
-Got a family vehicle
-Got another furbaby Milo
-Chris started making his own box mods
-Left my job at CMH after 7 years; and starting working with my parents at Briggs.

Those are at least the big details so far.

I want to try to have many uses for this new blog and not have it just to be a place to dump all my thoughts.  Some ideas I have are family updates; maybe a new recipe I tried and like to share; my personal thoughts and views on things.   Who knows!!

No judgement here! =D

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